IM Autoresponder

IM Autoresponder can currently be activated in “on all statuses” mode and will send a reply once every hour automatically to individual IMs received.

How to activate

Using the menu on the left hand side of your screen you can activate this feature as follows:

  • Click IMs

  • Go to Autoresponder tab

  • Check the box "On all statuses"/ Un-check to turn off

  • Add your response

  • Choose a variable

  • Click save


%SLNAME% - Converts to full SL name of the recipient (e.g Quincyjohnes Resident or Glaznah Gassner)

%FIRST_NAME% - Converts to only first name of the recipient (e.g "Glaznah" instead of "Glaznah Gassner")

%DISPLAY_NAME% - Converts to display name of the recipient

Last updated